Gabrielle Christian

fantasy fiction; 3d design

Archive for the month “June, 2014”

New on 500px : Fall reflections by AaronChoiPhoto by AaronChoiPhoto


melting colors of fall
this is a re-edit from last years shot.
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R2-Chapter 4.18. & 4.19.

Heartbreak –

Chapter 4.18. shows another dream of Eleanor, where Arthur Harold uses his tactics to convince Eleanor love him. He offers her ice cream, he wants to talk about love, but she doesn’t like men with tattoos, like him, because tattoos meant slavery in The Roman Empire, in ancient times. Upset by that, he promises her that he will conquer the whole world and he will force people to have a tattoo, a mark on the skin, the damned sign of the evil, to prove that all are under his loyalty, including her. Chris comes into her dreams and he takes her, making her wake up in reality.

In Chapter 4.19. , Koras explains to Chris that he should be baptized, if he wants to marry Eleanor and he goes to a church, together with Koras, to receive the baptism.

R2-Chapter 4.16. & 4.17.

Heartbreak –

Chapter 4.16. reflects the discussion between Joshua Alexander, Koras Stranger, Chris Divine, Eleanor Wilson and other characters, in The Temple, about the eight signs of Apocalypse: 1. The preaching of The Holy Bible; 2. The rejection of Christianity; 3. The growing number of wars and news about wars; 4. Big natural catastrophes; 5. The coming of Enoch and Elijah, the personification of the two witnesses; 6. The appearance of Antichrist and his fight against Christians; 7. The convert of Jews to Christianity; 8. The appearance of the cross sign on the sky. The quatrains of Nostradamus have a code under the normal interpretation.

Chapter 4.17. The moment of speaking refers to the fifth sign, the coming of the witnesses. Koras and Joshua try to understand the connection between Nostradamus and The Bible, hiding from Eleanor and Chris the fact that Arthur Harold will kill the witnesses in the end.


R2-Chapter 4.14. & 4.15.

Heartbreak –

In Chapter 4.14., we find out that the dream machine from The Temple is the one which produces the dreams of Eleanor Wilson and Chris Divine. In the dream, Eleanor and Chris meet one of the Grim Reapers, the protectors of the secret passage, that can be accessed only after death. The intruders are scared by the angel of death and the witnesses find the treasure of the underground Temple, that can kill an intruder, but it is helpful for the witnesses of God.

In Chapter 4.15., Joshua Alexander and a guardian, Nerudo,  discuss in The Temple about the real identity of Arthur Harold, an adopted child in the Royal family, very smart, but with a strange genetic pattern, suspected to be an alien.

R2-Chapter 4.12. & 4.13.

Heartbreak –

Chapter 4.12. shows a friendly consolation of Stranger Koras for Eleanor Wilson. She is troubled by the dreams and he makes her understand that Arthur uses his paranormal powers of coming into her dreams, to attract her in a dangerous game with the spirit.

Chapter 4.13. reveals another dream of Eleanor Wilson and Chris Divine, who have the vision of the beast with three heads, described in The Bible, which is a chimera, with three devilish spirits, greedy and ready to eat human souls. The rider of that beast was a lost soul, having the power of his dark empire.

R2-Chapter 4.10. & 4.11.

Heartbreak –

Chapter 4.10. introduces new dreams of Eleanor and Chris, who find out the story of Atlántida, the island destroyed because of the vanity. There were some alien species, who were looking like the jellyfish, some giant bugs. They came to take human identity and in some parts, they succeeded in doing it. The monsters created by the jellyfish species, which were made by genetic modification were losing their normal identity, they became violent and criminal and they had to be killed. The dragon with twelve heads was also released from the depths as a result of a mistake and Atlántida had to disappear.

In Chapter 4.11. , Arthur Harold plays with the mind of  Eleanor and he enters her dream, to scare her and to show her that he wants her. She refuses to be attracted in his game and she wakes up from the nightmare.

R2-Chapter 4.8. & 4.9.

Heartbreak –

Chapter 4.8. shows a paranormal dream of Eleanor Wilson before knowing Chris. She dreams of being with a man in a foreign country and she preaches them about God. When people try to oppose them and one wanted to kill them, flames rise from them and they are burnt, a punishment described in The Bible for attacking the witnesses of God. Eleanor and Chris wake up in different regions and they find out that such an event really happened. They are searched for, but the data about them is not enough to identify them.

Chapter 4.9. reveals that Moses, the advisor of Arthur Harold in the Council of the Tenth’s is searching for those two witnesses, but he doesn’t know them.He calls Moussa, a man who can guess where those two are, but he doesn’t have a clue and he doesn’t want to get involved, suspecting something super-natural.

R2-Chapter 4.6. & 4.7.

Heartbreak –

Chapter 4.6. reveals a dream of Eleanor at Passover, when she is spiritually attacked by the soul of Arthur Harold, who wants to prove her that her faith is nothing to him. He despise the cross, the signs of her beliefs. She is saved by an angel, who tells her that evil doesn’t have power in The Lighted Week after Passover.

Chapter 4.7. shows a moment from the life of Chris Divine before meeting Eleanor Wilson, when he left his country and he slept in his car, on the road. He saw a terrifying image: the four riders of Apocalypse,  four appearances described in the Bible, that can bring disaster to humanity. He doesn’t understand the meaning of it.

R2-Chapter 4.4. & 4.5.

Heartbreak –

Chapter 4.4. presents Arthur Harold in a moment of self-reflection, in front of the mirror, who remembers one of his past lives, when he lived as Nero, one of the Roman emperors, considered one of the antichrists and his entire life as Caesar, from the moments of delight as actors in the theatre, singing and saying lyrics, till the moment of his death. He wants to continue his shameful life with his illusion Babylon, the woman with the red dress.

Chapter 4.5. shows the appointment of Arthur and Eleanor, the two opposite characters of the series, made in a night dream. Arthur is more convinced now that Eleanor has spiritual powers,  he can meet her soul in a dream and he tries to show himself off with his qualities, but she is not interested in him, no matter what he does. She runs from him and she disappears from his dream. He asks a bodyguard to see if she was at her house, in Nayos, during his dream.

R2-Chapter 4.2. & 4.3.

Heartbreak –

Chapter 4.2. reveals the fatal attraction of Arthur Harold for Eleanor Wilson and his anger when he finds out that she rejects his marriage proposal in the public, making comments which lacks the politeness toward his social position. The advice of his counsellor Moses cannot stop his anger. he still hopes for a chance and he doesn’t want to give up.

Chapter 4.3. shows the entire video interview of Eleanor related to the rejection of the proposal, watched by Moses, who hides him the insulting content.


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